
Globalization: Economic, Political, and Cultural Perspectives

Globalisation Economic, Political, and Cultural Perspectives

In contemporary democratic world, globalisation is a power which makes changes in every part of human’s lives, on the economy and politics, culture and others. On the one hand, it is a complicated question that cheapens the distances between people, and ideas while at the same time bringing them a bit closer together, creating a web of relations which spans the whole planet. In this blog post, we delve into the economic, political, and cultural perspectives of globalisation and introduce an invaluable resource for students and academics: AcadmicexpertUK.

Economic Perspectives 

Economically, globalisation is the process of worldwide market integration through trade, investment, and technological development. It has resulted to the emergence of a global market place within which the countries are able to trade their goods, services and even capital more freely than they have ever done before. Nevertheless, this integration has also posed predicaments such as widening of income disparities, labor rights problems, and environmental issues. For students as well as for professionals, the intricate understanding of these nuances is important in their endeavors of addressing the sophisticated world of global economy.

Political Perspectives

Politically, globalisation affects governance, policy making, and international relations. It has favored multilateralism among nations through the UN and the WTO, which seek to address global problems collectively. However, it also creates demands of sovereignty, national identity and power balance in a world that is becoming more and more connected. Those who read international relations, political science or related disciplines have to analyze these political dimensions.

Cultural Perspectives

Culturally, globalisation encourages the cross-fertilisation of ideas, values, and artistic creations across frontiers and, therefore, more multiculturalism and intercultural understanding. Nevertheless, it also leads to cultural homogenisation and the loss of local identity. Analysis of these cultural effects provides priceless information about the way societies develop and relate to each other in the global era.

What is Globalization as an Economic, Political, and Cultural Process?

    • Economic Globalisation: Encompasses the merging of country economies into the global economy via trade, FDI, capital flows, migration, and technology diffusion.
    • Political Globalisation: Denotes diffusion of political ideas and the growing significance of international organisation’s influence (e.g. UN, WTO, etc.) and multinational corporations within the global political arena, which results in propagation of governmental policies.
    • Cultural Globalisation: Culture sharing that is in the form of ideas, values, customs and cultural products such as music, art, and entertainment across the world via the internet, media and by international travel.

What are the Political, Economic, and Cultural Effects of Globalization?

    • Economic Effects: Contain the growing global trade and investment, growth of economy in some regions, but also increased inequality, job displacement in some sectors and the possibility of economic instability.
    • Political Effects: The feature of enhanced cooperation and dialogue between states, emergence of supranational governance, but also threats to national sovereignty and local governance.
    • Cultural Effects: Lead cultural exchange and diversity but also produce cultural homogenisation and reduction of local cultures and identities

What are the Three Perspectives of Globalization?

    • Hyperglobalist Perspective: Perceives globalisation as the new epoch of human history where global institutions supersede nation states establishing a single universal society.
    • Skeptical Perspective: Perceives globalisation as exaggerated, with countries still operating within regional blocks, and the level of global integration as not as powerful as stated.
    • Transformationalist Perspective: Claims that globalisation is recasting world order wherein new forms of interdependence and power structure evolve while state boundaries or national identities persist.

What are the Three Types of Globalization?

    • Economic Globalisation: The globalisation of national economies.
    • Political Globalisation: The diffusion of political institutions and the common regulation of international problems.
    • Cultural Globalisation: Transculturation.

What are the 3 Stages and Phases of Globalization?

    • The Early Stage (Pre-19th Century): Marked by the ancient trade routes, colonisation, and the nascent of international economic exchanges.
    • The Industrial Stage (19th Century to Early 20th Century): Characterized by the industrial revolution, developments in transport and communication, and growth in international trade and investment.
    • The Modern Stage (Late 20th Century to Present): Characterized by the advent of information technology, web and the interconnectedness of financial markets, thus achieving an unparallel level of global interdependence.

What are the 4 Forms of Globalization?

    • Economic Globalisation: Cross-border economic class in job, investment and capital flow.
    • Political Globalisation: Emergence and impact of international organisations and pacts.
    • Cultural Globalisation: Globalisation of culture, values, and ideas.
    • Technological Globalisation: Global diffusion of technology and ways of communication that greatly support the other processes of globalisation.

Every of these dimensions shows globalisation as a complicated and live event; that changes and rearranges economic, political and cultural landscapes of the world.

How AcademicExpertUK Can Help

Understanding all the dimensions of globalisation is complicated and so is being able to articulate and analyse these ideas. This is the place where AcademicExpertUK comes into play. If you are struggling with an assignment about global economics, essay about cultural impacts made by globalisation, or dissertation about international politics, you can benefit from a professional support at AcademicExpertUK.
Our team of academic professionals is equipped to assist with:Our team of academic professionals is equipped to assist with:

    • Academic Assignments: Receive specialized help in comprehending and utilizing economic, political, and cultural theories of globalisation.
    • Dissertations: Get help in outlining your study, methodology, and analysis stage of the research on globalisation topics from proposal to final submission.
    • Essays: Support your points with critical views and angles in respect to globalisation that are backed by thorough research and analysis.


Globalisation is a complex phenomenon which influences our world in a significant manner. When we investigate its economic, political and as well as cultural aspects, we learn more about the problems and opportunities it entails. To students and academics aspiring to excel in the study of globalisation, AcademicExpertUK is the one-stop source of expert help.

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